
Is ProvisionRx a Scam ? A Scheme ? or have alot of Complaints ?

Why ProvisionRx is Not a Scam ?

If you are reading this article, most likely you have been researching ProvisionRx with either the intention of becoming a user of their Free Pharmacy Card or becoming a distributor in mind. So its important to eliminate and avoid as many road blocks as we can so that you can make a well informed decision.

So first, Is ProvisionRx a Scam ? Its important for people to understand that with the Internet becoming such a powerful tool in the area of marketing products and services, that many computer techniques have been developed to manipulate the way search engines rank websites and links. Or otherwise stated, the use of SEO ( search engine optimization ) is used to allow certain keywords and phrases to rank higher than others.

One of these techniques developed is optimizing websites and articles to use a keyword or phrase with the word “ Scam “, “ Scheme “, “ Complaints “ in its title or website Url. This technique takes advantage of whats called “ Google Instant “, a fairly new update released by google, which offers suggestions to your search as your typing it in.

This technique is being used by many trying to further their SEO results on the internet, especially when MLM or Network Marketing Companies are involved. You can even try it yourself. Just start typing in any network marketing companies name in the google search box, such as ProvisionRx and see what google suggests. It will most likely suggest Provision Scam before you can finish typing the word ProvisionRx. Now click on a few of the links and read the entire article or post. You will find as you reach the bottom of each article or post, that a large percentage of them are distributors themselves in hopes of linking you to their website. ( I think its safe to assume that distributors for any company do not consider what they are doing as a scam...Don’t You Agree? )

So is ProvisionRx a Scam ? NO ProvisionRx is NOT a SCAM. ProvisionRx is an opportunity for people to participate in 1 of the 3 following ways :
  • Using the Discount Pharmacy Card for Personal Use ( At No Cost )
  • Becoming an Independent Business Owner(IBO) and Creating a lifetime of Residual Income
  • And in many cases, doing Both !!
So what if boils down to is this. Ultimately working with ProvisionRx, or any other Network Marketing Company comes down to the Companies Integrity and how it conducts its business, the products in which it represents and value they add to your life, and what should be Most Important, your Personal Choice... Not someone trying to rank a website with a popular search keyword.

For More Information concerning the ProvisionRx Discount Pharmacy Card or How to become a Distributor Click Here or Check us out on Facebook.